Sonntag, 8. April 2012

Too Dark Park #25, 12.07.2011 19:30 - 21:00

The Force Dimension - X-tension
Delos - Visitor
Un Cadavre - The Deposition
New Days Delay - Automotiv
Agent Side Grinder - Die To Live (Darkness Before Dawn Edit)
Ministry - Same Old Madness
Martial Canterel - Still A Part
Daybed - Lack Of Light
Linear Movement - Way Out Of Living
Led Er Est - Plants
Chromagain - Satisfied
The Cheshire Strangler - L'Ennemi
Dream Affair - 405
Little Nemo - Alan's Waiting
Customs - Rex
The Chameleons - In Shreds
Principe Valiente - In My Arms
She Wants Revenge - Take The World
OMD - The New Stone Age
Clan Of Xymox - In Your Arms Again

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