Assemble Me:
1. Little Nemo: New Flood
2. Blacklist: Language of the living dead
3. Lowlife: A sullen sky
4. Night Gallery: Constant struggle
5. Northern Kind: Thoughts of you
6. Thermostatic: Unreal dimensions
7. Daybed: Lack of light
8. Alphaville: Summer in Berlin
9. Automelodi: Buanderie Jazz
10. War Tapes: Mind is ugly
11. (((S))): Addicted to my dreams
12. Indochine: 3eme Sexe
13. Joy Division: She’s lost control
14. Editors: Munich
15. She Wants Revenge: Tear you apart
16. Siouxsie & The Banshees: Cities in dust
Der Retronaut:
17. Depeche Mode: Personl Jesus (Live in Düsseldorf)
18. And One: Blue monday (live)
19. Wolfsheim: Once in a lifetime
20. Camouflage: The great commandment
21. Diorama: E mirror
22. Soko Friedhof: Blutsauger
23. Kirlian Camera: Eclipse V.4
24. Guerre Froide: Demain Berlin
25. Das Kabinette: The cabinet
26. The Plasmareds: Getanzte Lebenszeit
Assemble Me:
27. Sonnebrandt: Herz aus Geld
28. Grauzone: Wütendes Glas
29. Welle Erdball: Arbeit adelt
30. I AM X: Spit it out
31. Pink Turns Blue: Walking on both sides
32. The Chameleons: Don’t fall
33. The Exploding Boy: 40 days
34. White Lies: EST
35. The Cure: A Forest
36. The Smiths: Bigmouth strikes again
37. New Model Army: Vagabonds
38. The Sisters Of Mercy: Alice
39. Bauhaus: She’s in parties
Der Retronaut:
40. Faith and the Muse: Battle hymn
41. Skinny Puppy: Assimilate
42. Klinik: Moving hands
43. Monolith: my worst fear
44. Project Dreamed: Forlorn souls
45. Clava Y Nada: Rascheln
46. Die Form: Silent order
47. Joy Division: She’s lost control (Wie das lief schon???)
48. Placebo: Where is my mind
Assemble Me:
49. Charles de Goal: Exposition
50. New Days Delay: Stereokatastrophe
51. Skeletal Family: Promised land
52. Escape with Romeo: Somebody
53. Frank (Just Frank): Coeur hante
54. Gleitzeit: Ich komme aus der DDR
55. DAF: Der Mussolini
56. Martin Dupont: Just because
57. Die Perlen: Beweg dich nicht
Der Retronaut:
58. The Prodigy: Take me to the hospital
59. Pendulum: Tarantula
60. Jacek Sienkiewicz: Junto
61. Alexander Marcus: Super christmas
62. Trisomie 21: The last song
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